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The world is opening up a bit more these days (thanks, researchers, health care workers, and public employees who led the way on the vaccine!). But while it’s nice to be out of the house a bit more this summer, we’re still rocking the virtual webinar experience. We hope you’ll tune in and send us a virtual high-five for any (or all!) of these upcoming webinars and conference sessions.

June 24, 2–3:30pm ET: “2021 M+R Benchmarks: A Deep Dive” with The Nonprofit Alliance
This year’s annual M+R Benchmarks Study includes front-page news, long-form analysis, mild-mannered reporting, and even a crossword puzzle all about the newest news and topical trends affecting nonprofit digital marketing, advocacy, and fundraising. 

During this webinar, Director of Data Analysis Theresa Bugeaud and Senior Creative Director Will Valverde will be reporting the key findings and answering your biggest questions about Benchmarks. Questions like: how did COVID affect online revenue? Where did nonprofits invest their digital ads budgets? What does it all mean for your program? And so much more. Register here.

July 7, 11–12:30pm ET: Benchmarks UK 2021: News you can use
For the past 15 years, the annual M+R Benchmarks Study has been a trusted deep dive into nonprofit digital programmes. And for the first time this year, we are turning our attention to a key fact: sometimes, when the numbers speak, they do so with an accent.

Discussion of the digital space is very often dominated by a US-centric perspective. Thanks to our friends at Rally and 55 generous, wonderful, kindhearted UK-based organisations, we are pleased to present a UK supplement, in which we pay particular attention to the unique experiences and results of UK organisations.

We hope you’ll join M+R and Rally on 7 July as we report the key findings and answer the biggest questions coming out of Benchmarks UK.

July 8, 2–3pm ET: “2021 M+R Benchmarks: Implications for Ads” with The Nonprofit Alliance
For nonprofit digital ads, the unmistakable headline of M+R’s annual Benchmarks Study has been continued growth. But when we dig a little deeper, we find intriguing nuance, with nonprofits of different sizes and different issue areas making choices with major impact.

This session will explore those nuances and their strategic implications for nonprofits of all sizes. Bring your questions about Benchmarks and ads! Register here.

July 14, 11:30–12:30pm ET: “Newest Trends in Digital Ads” at the Bridge Conference

Digital advertising is the next frontier for many organizations and it’s getting… frontierier. Targeting is getting more sophisticated, creative is getting more personal, and there are whole new platforms to reach your supporters (YouTube for Leads! TikTok! Podcasts! Oh my!). No one person can possibly keep track of all the latest trends in advertising, so we’re compiling our non-profit ads experience across organizations and bringing them to you. Join M+R Media Director Sarah Coughlon for this session to reach more people, grow your supporter base, and do more good in the world.

July 14, 3–4pm ET: “Realizing the Magic of Your Midlevel Donors” at the Public Media Development and Marketing Conference (PMDMC)
Just a very small lift in performance among mid-level donors can yield significant increases in revenue. Why, then, are mid-level donors often overlooked? Major donors get the fanfare, the galas, and the special one-to-one contact. Small-dollar donors are often the solid foundation, the activists, the heart of the movement. But turning your attention to mid-level donors can have some truly eye-popping results. M+R has been testing approaches on how to build a pipeline into a program, cultivate potential donors, and automate the process. Join M+R Senior Vice President Yoonhyung Lee to learn about these approaches and how you can scale for your station.

July 15, 10:30–11:30am ET: “Donor Acquisition” at the Bridge Conference
We all know this: the average nonprofit donor is a white 64-year-old. And we all know that’s not okay, but it’s hard—and risky—to break the habits and practices that perpetuate the model. Meanwhile, there are millions (billions!) of younger and more diverse prospective donors out there for nonprofits to reach and inspire. But how? In this session, M+R Senior Vice President Nzinga Kone-Miller will explore digital marketing strategies that attract a broad spectrum of donors outside the same ol’, same ol’. We’ll use case studies and examples about how many organizations are finding hidden audiences, engaging new channels, examining their creative, and refining their messaging to reach new audiences, build a long-term sustainable program, and raise more money. 

July 22, 2–3pm ET: “2021 M+R Benchmarks: Implications for Email” with The Nonprofit Alliance
People have been trying to relegate email programs to the obituary pages for years. But this year’s annual M+R Benchmarks Study proved that, once again, email is alive and well! In fact, nonprofits sent more email to more people last year, and email fundraising performance improved by just about every metric for every kind of nonprofit. 

In this session, we’ll explore some of the implications of this data—from deliverability to retention to segmentation. And we’ll answer all your burning questions about email and Benchmarks. Register here.


We hope to see you out there! Follow along @mrcampaigns!


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