Amuse bouche: Benchmarks is almost served
Make your reservations today!

Workers won Wisconsin. Here’s how.
Wisconsin: Come for the cheese, stay for the cheers!

Google, define: equity and inclusion
Does Google know Ramadan? Well, sort of.

Spring has sprung! Conferences are blooming!
The 2023 Conference Season is upon us! Already! Time is weird.

Oh, HEY! Quick Question…
We’re hoping to learn some new things today!

“Black & Proud”
Our Senior Vice President of Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion, Adiyah Ali recently wrote this amazing piece for M+R’s internal communications. Our staffed loved it. We think you might, too.

SCOUT QUEST: M+R Data Co-op Accepting All Participants!
The story behind Scout Quest, our data co-op

What Bill Murray can teach you about email marketing
Neverending lessons from Groundhog Day.

2022 Wrapped: Year-End Fundraising Edition
Our data spotlights what sang for end-of-year fundraising and what fell flat

22 Email Ledes That Always Work!!
Quick tools to demolish writer’s block