Come join Benchmarks 2022! Help us map the whole year in data.
Sign-up for the 2022 Benchmarks Study is now open–here’s all you need to know about participating!

COVID Had Devastating Consequences for Food Security. Here’s How the Media Covered It in 2020.
M+R’s Media Relations team will be releasing a series of Mediamarks Labs posts over the coming weeks, to better understand communication trends from 2020 and plan for the future. Today: media coverage of food insecurity, how it changed throughout 2020, and how people engaged with that coverage.

How the Media Covered White Supremacy in 2020
M+R’s Media Relations team will be releasing a series of Mediamarks Labs posts over the coming weeks, to better understand communication trends from 2020 and plan for the future. Today: media coverage of white supremacy across 100 top national and international news outlets in 2020.

What we know so far: NFTs, Twitch, and Tiltify
These new tools are making waves in the digital world, so of course, we’re curious about how to harness them for the nonprofit space.

Benchmarks UK is here!
For the first time, we are able to share insights based on the unique experience and results of UK organisations!

Surviving a Post-Cookie (No, Not THOSE Kind) World
Third-party tracking cookies are going away soon. Here’s how we’re coping!

Here’s Where We’ll Be: Summer 2021 Edition
M+R has some exciting webinars and conference sessions coming up this summer! Here’s the full list!

Building Blocks of Effective Creative: Urgency
ICYMI: We released a guide to help nonprofits develop creative that reaches your goals while living your values. It’s a pretty great read, if we do say so ourselves! Download it here: mrss.com/guide

What Apple’s privacy changes mean for email open rates
What’s happening with Apple’s privacy? And how does it impact nonprofits?

What’s Dark Mode?
Dark mode has been an eye-saver for those of us increasingly glued to our phones…but what is it doing to your custom HTML? And can your beautiful emails be saved? Yes! Check out our tips for bringing Dark Mode back to the light.