CowabUNGA! Let’s get ready for the UN General Assembly
Want to make a splash around the UN General Assembly on September 15? Here are 6 important PR and marketing considerations to keep in mind.
🍦Your August Recess Advocacy Packing List🍦
A handy little Recess Advocacy Packing List to help your nonprofit’s advocacy teams hit the doors, phones, townhalls, and occasional beach with gusto this August.
How to finally & easily engage the right reporters on Twitter
Engage reporters with these 13 cause-crafted Twitter Media Lists and 5 pro tips.
Raising lots of money on Father’s Day? Ugh, as if!
Other Hallmark Holidays can’t compete with the fundraising power of New Year’s Eve. But if you’re gonna send that email anyway, here are 6 ideas to keep in mind.
Say yes to the test!
A trio of testing tools to help you figure out if you are raising as much money and hell as you statistically can for your cause.
What advocacy campaigners need to know from Benchmarks 2015
Cause you can never know too much.
The Communication Directors’ Guide to the 2015 Benchmarks Report
Deciphering 2015’s Benchmarks for non-digital folks.
MOAR Benchmarks? Yes, please!
Come party with us!
How to win a Supreme Court case even if you lose
Even though you can’t pressure justices the same way you can pressure lawmakers, you can win in the court of public opinion by following these 6 tips.
The 2015 M+R Benchmarks Study is here!
And it is wonderful. Come and get it!