Quick Hack To Find Your Facebook / Email Overlap
Say you have 100,000 email subscribers and 60,000 Facebook fans. You know there’s a big overlap there. But, just how big is that overlap? Thanks to a clever little hack using Facebook’s Power Editor, we now know how to estimate that.
LIVE in Minneapolis: Benchmarks 2013 @ NTC!
Want to discuss the 2013 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study in person? Here’s how you can catch us on the road and be ready to dive in!
Benchmarks Supplement: All the Stats That Didn’t Fit in Print
Check out some fun findings that didn’t make it into the 2013 eNonprofit Benchmarks report.
The 2013 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study: Your Annual Dose of Data
The 2013 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study is here – the one and only indispensable guide to what’s happening in nonprofit email, fundraising, advocacy, social media, and mobile. Download the report today and see if your organization is leading the way or getting left behind.
3 Things You Need to Know about Facebook’s “New” News Feed
Facebook’s News Feed is changing, but what does it mean for your nonprofit page? Here’s a quick run down of 3 things that are changing – and how you can adapt.
Do $5 Asks Really Work?
Tempted to imitate the Obama team and ask for “just $5” in your next fundraising campaign? Make sure to ask yourself these four questions first!
This one weird trick will keep your Facebook ad from being rejected
Are your Facebook ad images or promoted posts being rejected by Facebook? Learn about their 20% rule to make sure your org’s images are never rejected again!
Surprises from Obama’s New Media Staff
Over peanuts and gin, two of the Obama 2012 campaign’s top gurus shared the inside scoop on messaging for a successful presidential campaign at M+R’s first Speakeasy. Check out what worked, what tanked, and everything else you wanted to know about their messaging and fundraising campaign.
Spread the love this Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is sweet for more reasons than the candy — it’s also a great time of year for your online strategy. Check out how some organizations are using the season of love (and giving!) to raise money and engage their list.
(Mostly) Mo’ Money: Analyzing 2012’s End-of-Year Giving
How did your end-of-year campaign compare to last year’s? Check out this blog post to see if your results match up trends from 27 of our clients.