Is your Facebook ad ‘that friend’?
You know that irritating friend on Facebook who posts nothing but Farmville updates, all day every day? If you’re not keeping your Facebook ads fresh by cycling them, you are that friend.
Are you ready for Mother’s Day?
Is your organization ready for Mother’s Day? Find out what you should be doing to prepare!
Are you gamifying your emails?
Of this list of rewards, which do you think online donors want the most? Status, power, access, or stuff? The answer may surprise you.
April 19: Webinar on Multichannel Conversion Strategies
Interested in pursuing a multichannel communications and fundraising strategy? Join us on April 19 at 2pm for a webinar on multichannel conversion strategies. Sign up now to reserve your spot on the call!
2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study Q&A
Have a question that wasn’t answered in the 2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks study? Check out our Q&A to get your answers!
What’s an online campaign?
What’s an online campaign? Check out our article for insights into the anatomy of an online campaign – including top tips and tactics!
Storytelling and the Art of Email Writing
How can smart organizations harness the power of stories to communicate with supporters and get them to donate? In our newest publication, M+R digs into what makes stories powerful, and offers concrete tips for crafting emails that successfully use stories to compel supporters to give.
Take-aways from the 2011 NTEN NTC
What did M+R take away from the NTEN conference? Find out here!
Check out our eNonprofit Benchmarks Study infographic, and get the full report!
What do benchmarks look like? Here’s our visual take on this year’s 2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study – print this out and tack it up on your bulletin board!
Get your FREE copy of the 2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study!
More numbers to crunch and charts to geek out over? Check! Take a look at the brand-new 2011 benchmarks report to get this year’s findings.