2010 Nonprofit Text Messaging Benchmarks Study

2010 Nonprofit Text Messaging Benchmarks Study

Note: This is an archived publication! Visit www.e-benchmarksstudy.com for the most recent versions of all our Benchmarks studies and Benchmarks Extras. The 2010 Nonprofit Text Messaging Benchmarks report is the first of its kind. A joint venture between M+R and...

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2010 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study

2010 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study

Note: This is an archived publication! Visit www.e-benchmarksstudy.com for the most recent versions of all our Benchmarks studies and Benchmarks Extras. The 2010 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study offers valuable insights and key industry benchmarks for online messaging,...

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2010 Nonprofit Social Media Benchmarks Study

2010 Nonprofit Social Media Benchmarks Study

Note: This is an archived publication! Visit www.e-benchmarksstudy.com for the most recent versions of all our Benchmarks studies and Benchmarks Extras. When it comes to social media, nonprofits find themselves making it up as they go along. We hope to shed some light...

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Quadruple digits: Who and how to ask for the (relatively) big bucks online

Quadruple digits: Who and how to ask for the (relatively) big bucks online

In M+R and NTEN’s most recent eNonprofit Benchmarks Study, we found that although high dollar donors make up fewer than 2% of online donors, their gifts make up more than 18% of funds raised each year. And while many organizations receive large gifts through email and passive web fundraising, few organizations have a 4-digit donor strategy as part of their online programs.

But imagine how many 4-digit gifts you could get if you really asked for them?

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How Cross Promotions Can Help Your Organization

How Cross Promotions Can Help Your Organization

Sharing lists for fundraising outreach has long been accepted as a cost-effective practice in the direct mail world. But list sharing has yet to be applied to online lists in any great numbers. Many nonprofits are held back by fears over negative impacts to their...

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Nonprofit Organizing in 140 Characters or Less

Nonprofit Organizing in 140 Characters or Less

Part I: Getting Started The “Twitterverse” is going supernova, exploding with the power and energy of more than five million people worldwide reaching out for a way to stay connected.  Unique website visitors to Twitter.com from the U.S. alone have clocked in at more...

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Lower your membership amount?  Think twice.

Lower your membership amount? Think twice.

With direct mail and other fundraising channels hitting the skids, nonprofits are looking to boost online revenue in any way they can – trying out new tactics to get that all-important first donation from non-members. This one might have crossed your mind: “What if we...

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