The 2016 Social Media Director’s Guide to Benchmarks
M+R’s annual Benchmarks Study looks at a great big mountain of online data for dozens of nonprofits, including fundraising, advocacy, email, marketing and web stats. It is seriously great, and you should read the whole thing and also enjoy the photos of swimming pigs...
Benchmarks X is here! Get it now!
Our 10th Benchmarks Study is the most expansive, exhaustive examination of online nonprofit metrics we’ve ever done.

2015 End-of-Year Online Fundraising Roundup
It’s not easy, taking the measure of a year. Yes, we can call it twelve months, or 365 days, or 525,600 miiiiinutes. But what matters is the progress made, goals reached, and lives changed. For non-profits, weighing the impact of a year often starts at the end, by...
At last, a new + better way to count your media hits
Big shiny media hit tallies are fine but they aren’t teaching you everything there is to learn about your media impact and strategy.