Raising lots of money on Father’s Day? Ugh, as if!
Other Hallmark Holidays can’t compete with the fundraising power of New Year’s Eve. But if you’re gonna send that email anyway, here are 6 ideas to keep in mind.
Other Hallmark Holidays can’t compete with the fundraising power of New Year’s Eve. But if you’re gonna send that email anyway, here are 6 ideas to keep in mind.
A trio of testing tools to help you figure out if you are raising as much money and hell as you statistically can for your cause.
M+R took a look at how 16 nonprofit organizations used matching gift offers (or not) during end-of-year online fundraising. Here’s what we found.
Champagne is for chumps. Here’s some data worth toasting to.
Nonprofit communicators have been complaining about the not-so-new-anymore Gmail Promotions tab for a year. But for the past few months, Google has been quietly testing a new feature for the tab that you might make you see it in a shiny new light.