Never Too Early To Think About Year-End Fundraising
Are you getting ready for December? We are! Check out NTEN’s new journal, NTEN: Change to find out how we helped Oxfam America raise over $2.6 million by planning ahead.
Are you getting ready for December? We are! Check out NTEN’s new journal, NTEN: Change to find out how we helped Oxfam America raise over $2.6 million by planning ahead.
Be among the first to learn what changed online this year for nonprofits: Join our LIVE panel on the results of the 2011 e-Nonprofit Benchmarks Study on Tuesday March 22nd.
RSVP to join us in New York City, Washington D.C., or via webcast from 2-3:30 p.m. on Tuesday March 22nd.
Mail, email, web, social media, mobile, video… Each new technology adds to nonprofits’ workloads. Is all the effort worth it?
In a word, yes. We can think of at least four reasons why – read on to find out what they are!
So, how did the end of year season turn out for non-profits? With final results in, we decided to compare our clients’ end-of-year 2010 results to their 2009 figures. Here are the top findings