by M+R | Jan 30, 2009 | Blog Posts, Tools + Papers
*Or, How to stop worrying and beat the recession. The results rolling in from the fundraising appeal were… well, terrible. It was mid-November, the economy was in shambles and getting worse by the day and Oxfam America’s first end-of-year email appeal of 2008 was...
by M+R | Jan 1, 2009 | Blog Posts, Tools + Papers
The presidential campaign may be over, but there are still many lessons to be learned from the Obama campaign’s stunningly successful online fundraising efforts. Over the course of his 21- month presidential campaign, Barack Obama’s online fundraising machine raised...
by Sarah DiJulio | Dec 1, 2008 | Blog Posts, Tools + Papers
*So far! The economy has been sluggish for over a year, but the financial crisis on September 15, 2008, shook consumer confidence and set off another round of corporate layoffs. Recent numbers show that unemployment is at its highest since 1994. Many of our clients...
by M+R | Dec 1, 2007 | Blog Posts, Tools + Papers
Monthly giving (also known as a recurring donors or sustainers program) has come a long way from the early days of child sponsorship. Now a centerpiece of many direct-marketing programs, monthly giving provides a reliable, low-cost stream of revenue that sustains...
by Eve Fox | Sep 1, 2007 | Blog Posts, Tools + Papers
I wanted to share some interesting information from a successful online fundraising campaign we launched on June 7th for our client, the Save Darfur Coalition ( The campaign focused on the coalition’s Divest for Darfur advocacy campaign...