Need a copy editor? Look in the mirror
Tools to help get yourself out of your own way and improve your own copy
Tools to help get yourself out of your own way and improve your own copy
Quick tools to demolish writer’s block
Submitting a letter to the editor can be a powerful way to amplify essential voices and broadcast your message. Check out our Fast LTE Tool to break through the noise.
In a perfect world, we would’ve had our persuasion and GOTV scripts written and vetted weeks ago. But we don’t live in a perfect world. The news cycle’s been bananas, you’ve been hard at work fundraising and preparing your mailers and recruiting an army of volunteers, plus the third season of The Good Place just started, so things have been a little bit busy.
Rocker Amanda Palmer teaches us digital nonprofit-y types a thing or two (or seven) about asking, fundraising, and gratitude.