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For fans of M+R Benchmarks: The Game, the latest expansion pack has arrived: 2024 UK/Ireland Benchmarks, presented in partnership with our fellow gamemasters at Rally.

This companion report to our global study compares results from our 46 UK and Irish participants, offering a better understanding of the trends, differences, and averages of UK/Ireland programmes. 

Here’s a small piece of what UK and Ireland groups experienced in 2023:

  • Online revenue for the average nonprofit in the UK and Ireland was unchanged from 2022. Outside the UK and Ireland, average revenue declined by 2%.
  • Revenue from cash giving fell by 6%, while revenue from regular giving rose by 6%. Regular giving accounted for 44% of all online revenue in 2023, up from 42% the previous year.
  • Overall email message volume grew by 11% for UK and Ireland nonprofits, to an average of 26 messages per subscriber. For nonprofits in our Other Countries segment, the average volume was double this figure, at 52 email messages per subscriber per year.
  • Mobile audience sizes lag behind email list sizes — UK and Ireland nonprofits had only 79 mobile subscribers for every 1,000 email subscribers.
  • But! Mobile audiences increased by 4% in 2023.
  • The average gift made on mobile devices was £44 (€51); for desktop users, the average gift was £84 (€97).
  • For every 1,000 email addresses, UK and Ireland nonprofits had an average of 969 Facebook fans, 379 Twitter/X followers, 579 Instagram followers, and 39 TikTok followers.
  • Nonprofit digital ads spend increased by 23% for UK and Ireland nonprofits in 2023, with average spending of £0.17 (€0.20) in digital ads for every £1 of online revenue.

That’s just a small sampling of everything you’ll find at Give it a read, and let us know at if any questions come up! Want to register your interest in participating in next year’s UK/ROI Benchmarks? Let us know here.