When a bunch of mostly men in Congress thought they knew what was best for women’s health, we used online actions, emails, social media, mobile tactics and even a big pink bus to smack them back to reality.
Hard to believe, but it’s been 10 years since NYC’s smoke-free workplace law took effect with our help. M+R is proud to still play a role passing 2 new landmark laws in NY in 2013!
We put boots on the ground to stop dark money flooding Montana’s elections. The campaign was featured on PBS and in the New York Times. With an amazing 75% of the vote, Montana voters made it official: Corporations are not people in Montana.
The Supremes voted against us 9-0. But we won big in the court of public opinion by sparking a convo about corporate human rights abuse with NYT, WSJ, and USA Today opinions all on the same day.